Friday, March 12, 2010

On voodling in the framed field

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPhone/Pod / direct streaming for PC

" To exclude the domain of knowledge, both moral and scientific, to rewrite the visual in the realm of a reflexive relation to the modality of vision rather than to its contents, to savour in and for itself qualities like immediacy, vibrancy, simultaneity, effluence and to experience these qualities (almost) without objects - the intransitive verbs of vision, as it were- all of this is to enter what in quite another mood we might describe as the voodlers fetishization of sight"

Transcribing Krauss' remarks on Bataille, Sam Renseiw concocted bits of footage from a recent local dance performance into a condensed, moving side-tracked voodle. View the "for-its-own-sake-voodle for the eyes of interwoven forms and colours" ( the point is not to put poetry at the service of voodling but voodling at the service of poetry) for " what apparently counts in the piece is not the subject, but the vibration of light" by clicking here for on the links above. (patafilm # 755, 01'48'', 18MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video is likewise a precisely framed, instant composition. (lum # 256, " instant composition, framed / a" 01'00'', 11MB, Quicktime/mov)

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