Saturday, March 06, 2010

On the phenomenology of voodling

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod / flash / direct streaming for PC

"I start from unified experience and from there acquire, in a secondary way, consciousness of a unifying (voodling) activity when, taking up an analytical attitude, I break up perception into qualities and sensations, and when, in order to recapture on the basis of these the object into which I was in the first place blindly thrown, I am obliged to suppose an act of synthesis which is merely the counterpart of my analysis.[...] In voodling we do not think the object and we do not think ourselves thinking it, we are given over to the object and we merge into this body which is better informed than we are about the world... "

Suppose the eye and the hand merge to re-capture fragments of qualia muses Sam Renseiw voodling around central Copenhagen spaces. View the ensuing voodle montage by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 753, 02'47'', 36.4MB, Quciktime/mov - other versions at Bliptv)

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video(s) both offer reflective views into extraverted inner spaces. (Lum # 252, "qualia" 00'56'',12MB, Quicktime/mov, and Lum # 253, " dog in window" 00'59'', 12.3MB, Quicktime/mov)

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