On winter tracings and transcendal voodling

"Good voodling is a kind of skating which carries off the performer where he would not go, and is only right admirable when to all its beauty and speed a subserviency to the will, like that of walking, is added...We live amid surfaces, and the true art of voodling is to skate well on them, in winter...Thus we come to look at the world with new eyes. Voodles shall answer the endless inquiry of the intellect..."
Almost embalmed by the continuous strain of winter weather, Sam Renseiw donned his skates to capture footage from otherwise inaccessible spots while musing over some particular transcended quotes. View the cool lake circulation space exploration with superb climat soundscape addition by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 750, 03'37'', 49MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Blip.tv)
Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features another cool inquiry in space(s). (Lum # 249, "coolfootage, framed" 00'47'', 10MB, Quicktime/mov)
For some time now Philip Sanderson has been so kind (and creative) as to (re)adjust the missing sound from patalab's Lumieres with excerpts from vintage film soundtracks, thus re-creating both settings and contexts and propulsing the amalgam into quite different spaces. (Re)view the soundies at the newly created site for Lumiere & Son.
Michael Szpakowski from seminal DVblog has been so kind as to cross-link to patalab, featuring "Fragmented Occurrences" as DVblog's post # 1000 !
Labels: aymeric de tapol, copenhagen lakes, DVblog, emerson, lumiere et son, michael szpakowski, morphology of body and space, moving voodle, philip sanderson, transcendence
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