On Color State & Hearing Them Speak

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod/iPhone / direct streaming for PC
2- " I'm very saddened. It is always the same. When I was a child, they let a road be build. When I saw it it thought: Ooh: that makes a lot of garbage. If the whites come here what will become of my children? There is al lot of talk about the mining concession. And it frightens me. Will I manage to protect my forest-land? What will become of us? These are my worries. ..."
Quoting both the artist of Color State and the natives Hearing Them Speak , Sam Renseiw takes a quick walk through known spaces, realising that, up north, a different white cube had been activated. View the docu-voodle interior derive, complete with seraphim soundtrack by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 746, 03'40'', 53MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Blip.tv)
Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a serene, frozen, yet moving scene. (Lum # 246 " frozen lake" 01'00'', 8MB, Quicktime/mov)
Labels: anchor mejan, charlottenborg, color state, docu-voodle, hear them speak, malene landgreen, morphology of body and space, raymond depardon, white cube remix
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