On still moving in space(s)

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod/iPhone / direct streaming for PC
Still recording moves in space(s), Sam Renseiw, paraphrases Beckett (again) to fathom the depths of the possible nature of space vodoling. Patalab's 2009 activities (almost) conclude with two interior, investigative space-voodles (patafilm # 739, 02'467'', 38MB, Quicktime/mov // patafilm # 740, 02'52'', 37MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Blip.tv) and a fixed, enlightening planetary Bonus Lumiere Video (Lum # 243 " still moving", 00'48'', 11MB, Quicktime/mov). And: one more, happy-new post, tomorrow. ;-)
Labels: aymeric de tapol, beckett, glasgow, hamstead gardens, interior voodling, promenade architecturale
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