Monday, November 30, 2009

On eye and mind in certain voodles

click for video: Quicktime / m4v for iPod/iPhone / direct streaming for PC

" Scientific thinking, a thinking which looks from above, and thinks of the object-in-general, must return to the "there is" which underlies it; to the site, the soil of the sensible and opened world such as it is in our life and for our body - not that possible body which we may legitimately think of as an information machine but that actual body I call mine, this sentinel standing quietly at the command of my words and my acts. Further, associated bodies must be brought forward along with my body - the "others", not merely as my congeners, as the zoologist says, but the others who haunt me and whom I haunt; the "others" along with whom I haunt a single, present, and actual Being as no animal ever haunted those beings of his own species, locale, or habitat. "

Moving about in the world's first garden suburbia, Sam Renseiw reflects on the phenomenology of stability as exemplified in a particular house while further moving along graded interiors. View Sam's ramble on busy South Parade in full architectural bloom with added Safe Substitute by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 737, 05'13'', 63 MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a letter boxed view from a later, more enclosed scheme, with school playgrounds (lum # 237 " letterboxed footage" , 01'00'', 13Mb, Quicktime/mov)

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