On body-space morphologies in docu-voodles

click for video: Quicktime / m4v for iPod/iPhone / direct streaming for PC
Paraphrasing a catalogue text for the just opened CPHDOX, Sam Renseiw concocted and stretched a bout of condensed local urban footage. View the extension with added shape that has held me sounds by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 733, 05'00, 62MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Blip.tv)
Today's Bonus Lumiere Video feature another piece of Copenhagen sort of refined Netezza Urbana. (Lum # 233," dome refill" 00'57'', 11.8MB, Quicktime/mov )
Labels: cphdox, docu-voodle, morning traffic, morphology of body and space, patamatic cinema, steven ball, urban voodle
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