On the concept of farfelu in voodles

Drawing images, almost at random, form titbits of recently captured footage, Sam Renseiw concocts a short, montaged voodle essay, embracing the incomprehensible manifold as an opportunity, not to delineate the boundaries of aesthetics, but to transgress them. View yet another feeble attempt of transcultural voodle aesthetics, seeking to understand, as Empedocles advised, "by every means"; not only by the senses, or the intellect, but also emotionally & synaesthetically; Click here or on the links above. (patafilm # 726, 03'08'', 44MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Blip.tv)
Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a sudden morning encounter in the local commuter traffic: Proof that historical figures do indeed pass close by, should one happen to be there. (Lum # 229, "morning pass" 01'00'', 14MB, Quicktime/mov)
Labels: art viewing, empedocles, morphology of body and space, musee imaginaire, phenomenology, sackjo22, voodle cognition
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