On the everlasting flow of things

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod/iPhone / Direct streaming for PC
This post concludes the year's uploaded moving imagery; Thank you, viewers for your kind patience and elaborate, inspiring comments. Thank you, fellow Vloggers and Voodlers for your own inspiring video posts. The very best wishes for a prosperous, imaginative, creative and inspiring new year. Yours, Sam. (patafilm # 355, 04'12'', 27.5MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Blip.tv)
Todays Double Bonus Lumiere Video features (A) an illuminated shed and then (B) some more humane moves. (Lum # 172, 00'37'', 3.2Mb, Quicktime/mov // Lum # 173, 01'00'', 6.2MB, Quicktime/mov)
Labels: caroline bergvall, dance, golden pavillion, guided walk, new year greetings 2008, sheley