Saturday, December 20, 2008

On junctions and disconnected spaces

click for video: Quicktime/ .m4v for iPod/iPhone / direct streaming for PC

"I do not know where I am, and where I am going to. I have seen some beauty. Glimpses of beauty and happiness. As I was moving ahead occasionally I indeed saw brief glimpses of Beauty. Yes, la beauté. And it is still beautiful in my memory. And it is real, as real as this voodle."

Sort of stranded for a moment, Sam Renseiw, in the process of recapitulation, re-views a moment of stationary, complete with fiat lux and Jonas Mekas voice-over. View the psychogeographic deroulement by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 652, 02'12'', 13.9MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video feature a more crowded passage from a Philosopher's Lane. (lum # 171, 00'01'', 6MB, Quicktime/mov)

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