On over your cities grass will grow

click for video: Quicktime / direct streaming for PC
Paraphrasing Labarthe, Sam Renseiw persist with his prolonged obsessive-compulsive voodle experiment, this time with yet another attempt at the repossession of space(s) with recently captured footage. View the discretely cut-up, hastily montaged docu-voodle of documented spaces with distinct songs without words overlay by clicking here or on the links above to realise how randomness and serendipity always seem so intentional after the creative act. (patafilm # 791, 02'14'', 33MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Bliptv)
Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a distictive overview, fair to art .(Lum # 285 "art-fair-art " 01'00'', 12MB, Quicktime/mov)
And, regarding other ways of anticipating space: a special bonus-video, [©],a bookish treat, dedicated, from the patalab archive: abstract space(s) out-layed, cut-up, unfolded. (patalabarchive# 1, 02'32'',39MB, Quicktime/mov)
Labels: arnstedt, art copenhagen, barjac, docu-voddle, kiefer, labarthe, lousisiana, morphologies of body and space, negativesoundinstitute, repo-spaces, sinom waldram, sophie fiennes, space-research
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