On mapping inter-locked spaces

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod/iPad / direct streaming for PC
After a week-end filled with a multitpude of collected footage bits from highly active active procrastination, Sam Renseiw, overwhelmed yet serene, concocted a longer disquiet-docu-voodle for this post. View the montage with subtle acupunctural inserts from: Room 100, Circuits Fermés and Somewhere/Nowhere by clicking here or on the links above.(patafilm # 785, 04'35'',67MB,Quicktime/mov- other veriosn at Bliptv)
Labels: arken, art viewing, circuits fermes, contortionism, deFracto, disquiet voodle, image perception, indoor spaces, mille lundt, montage, new circus hybrids, peformance art, pessoa, pipilotti, room 100
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