On shift from general to specific spaces

click for video: Quicktime / direct streaming for PC
Quoting Wright, Sam Renseiw transformed recent footage from a not-so-far-away (urban)landscape into something more specific, while maintaing a sense of abstraction. View the slow-gliding, down-to-earth tinted and somewhat regressive (de)tour by clicking here or on the links above, remembering that the seemingly specific always remains generic, in more ways that not. (patafilm # 789b, 06'02'', 90MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Bliptv)
Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a serene moment of pure quotidian, in a place luckily spared from BIG plans. (lum #283, 01'00'', 12MB, Quicktime/mov)
Labels: christiania, landscape, morphology of body and space, thomas nunnally, urban landscapes, wright
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