The patalab season greetings

click for video: Quicktime / Flash and other versions for Pc at
Voodling away with the latest footage for the holiday season, Sam Renseiw sends his warmest season greetings to all faithful viewers and friends. View the travelling poetic melancholy of lampshades, street corner and a barfly nicotine shelter by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 551, 02'18'', 14.1MB, Quicktime/mov - Flash and other versions for Pc at
Today's Bonus Lumiere video features an exotic performance at the traditional Hotel Pro Forma x-mas party. (Lum # 68," Danish Lakota Friendship Dance" 01'00'', 6.2MB, Quicktime/mov)
Labels: bergson, hotel pro forma, le klint, persistence of vision, voodle
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