On the expression of ambiguity

click for video: Quicktime / other versions at Blip.tv
Babbling away on a regular basis, Sam Renseiw manufactured an ultra-short diptych voodle, expressing some central points about the fine educational nature of architectural travels. View the simple conglomerate, of which the second part is a re-mixed excerpt from a famed architect's early travel films, by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 546, 01'33'', 9.3MB, Quicktime/mov - Flash and other versions at Blip.tv)
Today's Bonus Lumiere video features the first part of a triptych lumiere-work depicting julenisser's customs in commercial Danish X-mas environments. (Lum # 64 "julenisser 01", 5.2MB, Quicktime/mov) Other's great lumieres at the main site.
Labels: abstract voodle, diptych, dk x-mas customs, julenisser, utzon
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