On Living Sculptures and other accords

"In principle, “an accord” is a mutual agreement, between two or more parties. The agreement is in essence, a political one; it connotes “the social accord,” the instant we give up our sovereignty as citizens to a government or other authority, in the name of maintaining social order through “the rule of law.” Arguably, the (art) institution is a legal body that functions within similar parameters of publicly endowed trust, between written and unwritten agreements. [....] What types of participation are condoned, accepted, supported and allowed within the institution? Can mutual understanding be fortified through a breach of trust or displacement of expectation? Can curatorial and artistic tactics of engagement with(in) the institution reveal not only its politics, but elucidate a particular political condition? What tools are at our disposal, as visitors, as guests to the institution, as parties within an implied accord, within the actual, social and discursive spaces the institution has founded?"
Just passing by, recently, Sam Renseiw encountered a slow moving bunch, seemingly working out some accord in public, only to later discover the in-situ curatorial meaning. View the docu-voodled grey demo with added slo-mo by cliking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 820, 04'33'', 64MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Bliptv)
Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a moving vista from a bridge (Lum # 310, "fjordvison-bridge" 01'00'', 17MB, Quicktime/mov)
Labels: anetta mona chisa, bergen, bergen accords, living sulpture, lucia tkacova, morphologies of body and space, sam renseiw, sarah rifki
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