Monday, January 24, 2011

On contemplative abstractions

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod/Pad / direct streaming for PC

"...I don't say that our isolation was meritorious, or that the people in general should know no language but their own. Yet the meek ignorance has these advantages. We did not travel for adventures, nor for company, but to voodle with our own eyes... and even in my own land, the things in which I have been least deceived are those which I have learned as their spectator..."

To paraphrase the topic further: ...Travel is thus not a release from but a luxuriating into the same rapt stare that is the medium of Sam Renseiw's daily life: And he glories in it, calling the style of voodling through foreign lands as a mode of " contemplative abstractions from the world"; Naturally, he has nothing but praise for the advantage of this abstraction. View a short montage bout of comtemplative abstraction by clicking here or on the links above. (patafil # 810, 03'13'', 68 MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Bliptv)

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features yet another artful over-the-shoulder-repo-view.(Lum # 301, 01'00'', "watching pippilotti", 18MB, Quikctime/mov)

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