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"The essential difference between painting and voodles is the difference in the manner in which they, not the beliefs of those who see them, are based on beliefs of their makers. Voodles are counterfactually dependent on the voodled scene(s) even if the beliefs (and other intentional attitudes) of the voodler are held fixed. Paintings which have a counterfactual dependence on the scene portrayed lose it when the beliefs and the visual experiences which the viewer derives from a picture are dependent on the picture maker's beliefs in whichever manner the picture itself is. I order to see through the voodle to the scene(s) depicted, the viewer must have visual experiences which do not depend on the voodler's beliefs in the way film or paintings do. We can leave open the question of whether, to be seeing (the voodle)scene(s), the viewer must have beliefs about it and what connection there might be between his/her visual experiences and beliefs."Reflecting on the state(s) of visual readings in an advanced digital age, Sam Renseiw montaged bits and bouts from recently recorded footage into a enigmatic docu-voodle; Thus maintaining, in chronological (and slow obssessive-complusive) diary manner, a Proustian pursuit of matter and memory. View the cut-up, filmic document with footage from three cities, by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 818, 04'39'', 61MB, Quicktime/mov -other versions at Bliptv)Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a simple, straight-forward scene of age-old activity, re-performed. [Lum #308," sandvikan drummers", 01'00'', 17MB, Quicktime /mov) Labels: art copenhagen, bergen, kendall walton, matter and memory, metro, montage, morphologies of body and space, paris
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