On more blind-voodling for spaceships

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod/iPhone / direct streaming
Entering The Space Ship yesterday, blindfolded and lucidly dreaming away in visual languish, Sam Renseiw focused on magic pataphysical distortion clearances while simultaneously being guided through by a beautiful woman at the furniture fair. View the second blind-voodle by clicking here, on the links above, or come to the SpaceShipEarthSalon # 1 @ Teater Lacrimosa, Tengdahlsg 32 in Stockholm tonight . (blind voodle # 02 , 03'36'', 31.6Mb, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Blip.tv)
Labels: blind-voodle, blur, copenhagen, furniture fair, gurdonark, kyoto, lezrod, morphology of body and space, spaceshipearth salon, stockholm furniture fair, voodling
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