On rendered perceptions and other spaces

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod / other versions at Blip.tv
Dabbling with crude rendering, Sam Renseiw once again attempts to convey a sense of synaesthesia into circular travelling camera moves. View the stroboscopic invisible unfolding nostalgically by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 569, 02'54'', 17.7MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Blip.tv)
Today's Bonus Lumiere Video attempts to capture a triple refraction via light and mirror in an interior space. (Lum # 86 "triple refraction" 00'54'', 5,3MB, Quicktime/mov) Other's Lumieres at the project's main site.
Today's Patalab Metaphor Video re-play-supplement equally features hypological matters, albeit from a more surprising angle at the end of the video. (patafilm # 450b, 01'26''[01.07.2007 post], 6.8MB, Quicktime/mov) Click here or on the bold links in the text to view.
Labels: hypology, jami sieber, merlau-ponti, nostalgia, synaesthesia, voodle theory
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