On the flow of ascent and descent

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod / other versions at Blip.tv
On his way to a bookshop to purchase a new copy of The Idiot, as the old one apparently got lost, Sam Renseiw took fancy to a bout of concentric, geometrical ascent on foot. View the climb, complete with matter, memory, elan vital and various audio overlays by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 560, 03'40''22.3Mb, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Blip.tv)
Today's Bonus Lumiere video features a more straight-forward, rigourous walk, seen and recorded just around the corner of the bookshop. (Lum # 77 " straight-forward walk " 00'38'', 3.8Mb, Quicktime/mov)
Today's Bonus Patalab Train Video features the poetics of compressed descent as seen from a cable car window. (patafilm # 165, 02'13'', 9.8 MB, Quicktime/mov)
Labels: bergson, concentric walk, elan vital, round tower, voodle
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