Attempt of postcard essay to JLG

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod / other versions at
Concerned with the presence of objects as well as an obssesive - compulsive concern with JLG oeuvre's imagery, Sam Renseiw montaged a short voodle-essay, in the spirit of Montaigne. View the representation of interior with external voice-over by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 568, 03'27'', 21.3Mb, Quicktime/mov - other versions at
Today's Bonus Lumiere video features a quiet round of saddling-up in a marvellous interior.( Lum # 84, "quiet saddling up", 00'58'', 5.6MB, Quicktime/mov) As always, more of other's Lumieres at the main site.
Today's Patalab Metaphor Video repay-supplement features a architectural space, seemingly with a view, with further pataphysical inserts: a genuine Lumiere (!), and Godard / Hitchcock voice-overs.(patafilm #242, 01'12'', 5.5 MB,Quicktime/mov- [06.09.2006 post]. Click here or on the bold links in the text to view.
Labels: benjamin, bonus Lumiere, godard, gurdonark, JLG, montaigne
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