Wednesday, February 27, 2008

On poetics of daydreaming and peripeteia

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod / other versions at

"Voodles ... are little houses, each with its cellar and garret. Common sense lives on the ground floor, always ready to engage in ‘foreign commerce’ on the same level as the others, as the passers-by, who are never dreamers. To go upstairs in the voodle house is to withdraw step by step; while to go down to the cellar is to dream, it is losing oneself in the distant corridors of an obscure etymology, looking for treasures that cannot be found in words. "

Stepping inside an attic gallery space, Sam Renseiw engaged with oneiric architecture, drifting, while consciously day-dreaming in an ambient, voiced-over "before parting" flow. View the housed, rear window like detournement by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 574, 03'14'', 18.4MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a more prosaic architectural view from last autumn; a rare prospect, as the back facade of the station is being replaced by a new one these days. (Lum # 90 "fast and slow" 00'54'', 5.8MB, Quicktime/mov)

Today's Patalab Metaphor Video re-play-supplement features an antique garden voodle - before the patafilm taxonomy and the voodle neologism, thus antique in web 2.0 terms - (backdated patafilm # 53, 01'24''[11.11.2005 post]6.4 MB, Quicktime/mov) Click on the bold links in the text to view or for more oblique, didactic info.

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Sunday, February 24, 2008

On meta-reference(s) and voodles

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod / other versions at

"The man with the magnifying glass takes the world as though it were quite new to him. If he were to tell us of the discoveries he has made, he would furnish us with documents of pure phenomenology, in which discovery of the world, or entry into the world, would be more than just a worn out word, more than a world that has become tarnished through over frequent philosophical use. A philosopher often describes his “entry into the world,” his “being in the world,” using a familiar object as symbol. He will describe his ink bottle phenomenologically, and a paltry thing becomes the janitor of the wide world. The man with the magnifying glass quite simply bars the everyday world. He is a fresh eye before a new object. The botanist’s magnifying glass is youth recaptured. It gives him back the enlarging gaze of a child. With this glass in his hand, he returns to the garden."

Pondering further on the nature of the seen and on how to montage bits of reality footage, Sam Renseiw dabbled with a plectic juxtaposition of disparate images. View the layered, godardian voodle by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 573, 02'34'', 13.8MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions for PC at

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features quite an opposite gaze: the simplicity of a roll in sand. (Lum # 90,"water-music's roll" 00'44'', 3.7MB, Quicktime/mov) Other's fine Lumieres at the Lumiere site.

Today's Patalab Metaphor Video replay-supplement features a more "arty" display of directions, in sign laguage. (patafilm # 345, 00'54'',[26.01.2007 post] 4.6 MB, Quicktime/mov) Click on the bold links in the text to view or for more pata-info.

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

On the delimiting and fixing of images

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod / other versions at

"To take pure perception first. When we make the cerebral state the beginning of an action, and in no sense the condition of a perception, we place the perceived images of things outside the image of our body, and thus replace perception within the things themselves. But then, our perception being a part of things, things participate in the nature of our perception."

Further investigating the potential of casual promenades inside old buildings and museums, Sam Renseiw recently visited two near-by museums. View the concocted, oneiric voodle sequense with staircases and pop-gun annotations by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 572, 03'03'', 16.1MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions for PC at [semanal08 project, week 8 cross-post #2]

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a somehow typical Jungian archetype set-up, complete with hurried by-passers. (Lum # 89, "framed wedding ", 00'58'',4.3MB, Quicktime/mov)

Today's Patalab Metaphor Video re-play supplement likewise features voodled artefacts glimpses from a fine Danish Museum with unmeasured sounds, added. (patafilm # 103 02'22''[26.02.2006 post], 11 MB. mov/quicktime) Click on the bold links in the text to view or for more info.

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Monday, February 18, 2008

On fingering with low-tech Automavision

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod / other versions at

"The desire to create voodles that actively engage viewers can be noticed in the use of Brechtian theatrical technique. The use of black backdrops, minimal props, and open scenery expose the artificiality of certain voodles. Bertolt Brecht developed these techniques, amongst others, as a way of encouraging his theatre audiences to adopt a critical mindset. By actively counteracting the “suspension of disbelief” encouraged in classical Artistotelian theatre, Brecht was trying to engage his audience in the critical interpretation of the depicted action, the act of its construction, and its place within real-life."

Further dabbling with Brechtian jump-cuts, Sam Renseiw pursues his pataphysical voodle-perception research fingering with recent footage clips from visits to Danish museum interiors. View the very low-tech Automavision attempt - that is not The Famous Colour Changing Card Trick - but something completely else, by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 571, 02'44'', 14.8MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions for PC at [semanal08 week8 cross-post] You might also like to visit Tim Smith's fine research page or his blog on empirical investigations of film perception.

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a fine example of moving, oneiric small scale architecture. (Lum # 88,"dream houses", 01'00'', 6.1MB, Quicktime/mov) Other's fines videos at A&B's great Lumiere site.

Today's Patalab Metaphor Video re-play supplement features a compilation of seven short edited Lumieres - before they were labelled such - recorded on the way to a meeting with Scandinavian Vloggers; This video piece was shown on the Danish tv-tv/T-vlog channel in 2006. (T-vlog film, 03'04'', 13.2 MB.[patalab 06.06.2006 post] Quicktime/mov)

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Friday, February 15, 2008

On rendered perceptions and other spaces

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod / other versions at

"On one level, experience is so ambiguous that the rhythm of a sound brings about the merging of cinematographic images and creates space that allows for a perception of movement, whereas this succession of images would be too slow without this acoustic sustenance to evoke stroboscopic movement."

Dabbling with crude rendering, Sam Renseiw once again attempts to convey a sense of synaesthesia into circular travelling camera moves. View the stroboscopic invisible unfolding nostalgically by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 569, 02'54'', 17.7MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video attempts to capture a triple refraction via light and mirror in an interior space. (Lum # 86 "triple refraction" 00'54'', 5,3MB, Quicktime/mov) Other's Lumieres at the project's main site.

Today's Patalab Metaphor Video re-play-supplement equally features hypological matters, albeit from a more surprising angle at the end of the video. (patafilm # 450b, 01'26''[01.07.2007 post], 6.8MB, Quicktime/mov) Click here or on the bold links in the text to view.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

On Voodle-dialectics of seeing

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod / other versions at

"Memory is not an instrument for exploring the past but its theatre. It is the medium of past experience, as the present ground is the medium in which past spaces and artefacts lie interred and can be voodled forth... Thus, work on a good voodle has three steps: a musical stage when it is composed, an tectonic one when it is montaged, and a textile one when it is woven into a moving picture... Yet, a voodle real strength's lies in its improvisation. All the decisive framings should be struck in a serendipitous and left-handed flow."

Pondering on a recent statement that museums and old buildings might be too soporific environments, Sam Renseiw re-visited a local museum on a sunny Sunday afternoon. View the inspired voodle unfolding of the museum-interior gaze, complete with didactic, Godard-like whispers by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 570, 06'03'' 35.3Mb, Quicktime/mov - other versions at [semanal08 project, week 7 cross-post]

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video Features a classic, architectural soft-reflection-on-granite from inside the above mentioned museum. (Lum # 87, "soft-granite-reflection",00'48'' 5.1MB, Quicktime/mov) Other's fine Lumieres at A&B's site.

Today's Patalab Metaphor Video re-play-supplement features a contrasting promenade, also through a museum: this time in a modern, contemporary white space, with nothing on exhibition. (patafilm # 223, 02'22''[01.08.2006 post], 8.3 MB, Quicktime/mov) Click here or on the bold links in the text to view.

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Saturday, February 09, 2008

Attempt of postcard essay to JLG

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod / other versions at

" Experience of the aura rests on the transportation of a response common in human relationships to the relation between the inanimate or natural object and man. The person we look at, or who feels he is being looked at, looks at us in turn. To perceive the aura of an object we look at means to invest it with the ability to look at us in return."

Concerned with the presence of objects as well as an obssesive - compulsive concern with JLG oeuvre's imagery, Sam Renseiw montaged a short voodle-essay, in the spirit of Montaigne. View the representation of interior with external voice-over by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 568, 03'27'', 21.3Mb, Quicktime/mov - other versions at

Today's Bonus Lumiere video features a quiet round of saddling-up in a marvellous interior.( Lum # 84, "quiet saddling up", 00'58'', 5.6MB, Quicktime/mov) As always, more of other's Lumieres at the main site.

Today's Patalab Metaphor Video repay-supplement features a architectural space, seemingly with a view, with further pataphysical inserts: a genuine Lumiere (!), and Godard / Hitchcock voice-overs.(patafilm #242, 01'12'', 5.5 MB,Quicktime/mov- [06.09.2006 post]. Click here or on the bold links in the text to view.

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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

On plectics and other voodle figurations

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod / other versions at

" Style is just the outside of content, and content the inside of style, like the outside and the inside of the human body - both go together, they can’t be separated...and Beauty is composed of an eternal, invariable element whose quantity is extremely difficult to determine, and a relative element which might be, either by turns or all at once, period, science, fashion, moral, passion..."

Re-assessing the concept of plectics in regards to aesthetic voodle-theory, Sam Renseiw montaged a few morsels of interior sun-casts into a figurative-abstract flow. View the unravelling of complex simplicity - or simple complexity - complete with Pseudo's sunrise on the reed by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 567, 03'32'', 21MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at [semanal08, week6, # 2 cross-post]

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a still king and moving by-passers, in late autumn (Lum # 84 "king and bypassers", 00'58'', 5.9MB, Quicktime/mov) Other's fine Lumieres at the project's main site.

Today's Patalab Metaphor Video re-play-supplement features a fine - complementary - plectic night-daydream, further probing the simultaneous casting of seemingly disparate entities. (patafilm # 364,[02.03.2007 post] 02'09'' 10.2MB, Quicktime/mov) Click here or on the bold links to view.

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Sunday, February 03, 2008

Defence and Illustration of Classical Voodle

click for video: Quicktime /.m4v for iPod /other versions at

"A voodle must be both abstract and figurative. Abstract as a wall, figurative as a representation of space. Voodling is optimistic because everything is always possible, nothing is ever prohibited: all you need is to be in touch with life. And life itself must be optimistic, otherwise everyone in the world would continue to watch TV soaps...To create a new world where man and objects exist in harmony, that is a voodle's aim. As much political as poetic, it explains this passion for expression...almost like painting."

As the voodle is not an art which films life, but is something between art and life, Sam Renseiw montaged footage from his recent application delivery for "The Silent Language", paraphrasing a JLG statement: "Unlike painting and literature, the voodle both gives to life and takes from it, and I try to render this concept in my voodles. Literature and painting both exist as art from the very start; the voodle doesn’t." View the short piece by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 566, 02'21'', 12.9MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at[semanal08 week6 cross-post]

Today's Bonus Lumiere video features a short collections of cool, passing strides. (Lum # 83 "skating-non-skating" 00'59'', 5.8MB, Quicktime/mov)

Today's Patalab Metaphor Video re-play supplement also depicts an interior space, featuring almost nothing. Click here or on the bold text to view. (patafilm # 340, [22.01.2007 post] 01'05'', 5.4 MB, Quicktime/mov)

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