Monday, August 27, 2007

The inhabitation of fiction - episode eight

click for video: Quicktime / Flash / direct streaming (PC)

" And just as there are no words for the surface, that is, / No words to say what it really is, that it is not / Superficial but a visible core, then there is / No way out of the problem of pathos vs. experience. / You will stay on, restive, serene in / Your gesture which is neither embrace nor warning / But which holds something of both in pure / Affirmation that doesn't affirm anything."

While witnessing Mimi's peripecies in The Circle Camp and her short, but quite genuine, row with Felix, Sam Renseiw maintains a serene Candid(e) like optimistic gaze, closing in on some of members of the Martha Rubin Society, chilling-out after yet another, evocative, ritual. View the unfolding of uncut-footage, docu-soap sliced, by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 482, 05'26'', 29.1MB, Quicktime/mov - Direct video-streaming-player for PC at

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