Saturday, August 25, 2007

The inhabitation of fiction - episode six

click for video: Quicktime / Flash / direct streaming for PC

"The flow is unpredictable and open to coincidence. The frames that keep the work together are there for reality and fiction to jar with them, just as they jar with each other - so that they can be expanded, moved or transcended through the improvisations of the performers and the participation of the audience."

Somehow loosing track of both space and time by now, Sam Renseiw recollects erratically: a progression of rituals seem to dissolve into a larger amorph expanse of rhythmic voodoo like activities, peppered by ecstatic chanting and traumatic failures at evoking Martha Rubin's coming. View an exhausting voodle - continuing patalab's meticulous docu-soap gaze on "The Circle Camp"- by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 481,03'333'', 18.4MB, Quicktime/mov - Direct streaming for PC at

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