On all sorts going on

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Pondering for the moment on the apparent futility of voodling activities, Sam Renseiw voodled some forthnight old footage into a banal flux, all framed in a box. View a short parade of audience on the way to a Rolling Stones concert with some added fluxus on the audio by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 470, 03'35'', 19.3MB, Quicktime /mov - Flash version at blip.tv)
Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a mognificent composite view of the corner of the Christiansborg church, the temporarelly scaffolded tower of Christiansborg, and the statue of a Fishmonger. (Lum # 35 scene from gl.strand, 00'41'', 3.5MB, Quicktime/mov) Fine other's Lumiere videos here.
Labels: bonus lumierevideo, fluxus, lennon, ono, rolling stones, voodling
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