Saturday, August 18, 2007

The inhabitation of fiction - episode one

click here for video: Quicktime version / Flash version

"...She gave birth to 17 children out of marriage. Seven of these, including the Siamese twins Marthina and Corina, she raised together with the female sword swallower Cora Torrini. Martha Rubin disappeared in the Romanian harbour city Constantia in 1913..."

Toggling voodling activities a point further, Sam Renseiw enters the reality of fiction, depicting fragments of inscrutable beauty, poetic tragedy, desire and the hope of love. View the first episode of Patalab's ritualised voodle docu-soap of "The Circle Camp", introducing the Martha Rubin Society's graceful landscape(s) by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 476, 02'45'', 14.6MB, Quicktime/mov - Flash version at

No Bonus Lumieres while the docu-soap is featured; You might still enjoy all Other's fine Lumiere videos at home.

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