The discovery of Resolution

Seven amateur divers trying to free snagged lobster pots have discovered the well-preserved remains of what is thought to be 17th century warship Resolution. Although Resolution's approximate location was known, no trace of her had been found until the divers, who were asked by a fisher on shore to retrieve the pots, suddenly found a large anchor in 3 ft. of water. Their find, made last April but kept secret until this week so as not to alert treasure hunters, has led to the government giving the wreck protected status to allow archaeologists the chance to establish beyond doubt that it is Resolution.
All great things start in small scale Sam Renseiw pondered, watching the impediments unfold from ashore. Enjoy the dislodging by clicking here, or dive in above (patafilm #197, 01'05'', quicktime/mov - Flash version here)
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