copenhagenfridaynightskate II

VIDEO FROM AUGUST 4 is also available here:
WMV file - Flash file - Quicktime file ( 05'06'' 23.3 MB )
download quicktime for windows to watch all videos on the blog!
"In cities such as Paris, Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Vienna, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Ljubljana and Tallinn, skaters, with the co-operation, or at least acquiescence, of local police, block cars at intersections and skate for kilometres. Organizers usually change the route each time so that skaters can pass different landmarks and neighbourhoods. The skates are deliberately held at night, when streets, bars and restaurants are full, and are a mixture of a workout and a moving street festival."
Well, night in Copenhagen is actually fairly bright, considering that it first gets really dark by 10:30, so Sam Renseiw donned his skates once more for some genuine Copenhagen fun. Watch the second summer ride by clicking here, or click on the image above. It's a long ride, this time, fresh footage, undaltered; pure ambient with lots of local sights on the way....(classic vlog #4, 05'32'', 24,6 MB, quicktime/mov - Flash version at And: for all of you still on a PC, download quicktime for windows here. Best viewed with Firefox browser)
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