Directions to the vision's department

"..The word leg has no pictorial resemblance to a leg. It refers to the spoken word leg. so we may forget that a written word is an image and that written words are images in sequence, that is to say moving pictures. So any hieroglyphic sequence gives us an immediate working definition for spoken words. Spoken words are verbal units that refer to this pictorial sequence..."
Compared to a novel such as "The Naked Lunch" ,"The Electronic Revolution", William S. Burroughs's virtual samizdat text published in 1970, pointed, for some musicians , the way to a new methodology. «It was almost a handbook of how to use tape recorders in a crowd,» For today's video-post, Sam Renseiw gazed at crowded escalator, musing about the Electronic Revolution, while directional instructions in French and English pass by. Experience the cut-up ride by clicking here or take a straight flight of stairs above. (patafilm #191, 01'05'', 4.8 MB, quicktime/mov - Flash version here) For PC user: download quicktime)
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