Luxe, calme et volupté

"For my own part, I am pleased enough with surfaces - in fact, they seem to me to be of much importance. Such things, for example, as the grasp of a child's hand in your own, the flavor of an apple, the embrace of a friend or a lover, the silk of a girl's thigh, the sunlight on rock and leaves, the feel of music, the bark of a tree, the abrasion of granite and sand, the plunge of clear water into a pool, the face of the wind - what else is there? What else do we need?"
"I am aware only of the forces I use, and I move along the course of the video's creation, pushed by an idea that I come to know only gradually as it develops" is the credo for this simple video post, covering Sam Renseiw's familiar view from his balcony. Enjoy it here or take a walk to the willow above. ( patafilm # 190, 00'52'', 3.9 MB, quicktime/mov . Flash version here)
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