Unless it was Boris's dog

A -"Philosophy consists of offering reassurance to children. That is, if one prefers, of taking them out of childhood, of forgetting about the child, or, inversely, but by the same token, of speaking first and foremost for that little boy within us, of teaching him to speak - to dialogue - by displacing his fear or his desire." B -Labyrinths can be constructed in many ways: strict geometrically, prismatically, symmetrically, or loose organically as the classic romantic English garden apparently composed of a random mix of curves and asymmetric places.Today's geo-taged video post by Sam Renseiw consist of an asymmetrical, visual riddle, complete with concrete tank enhanced soundtrack. "If I clearly saw ahead of time where I was going, I really don’t believe that I should take another step to get there" is the credo for this entry, where the main dialogue consist of a parallaxed Danish monologue, in which a certain Boris's dog seem to play a culpable role in the staging. (patafilm #186b, 00'43'', 3.1 MB, quicktime/mov - Flash version at blip.tv)
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