Sunday, October 04, 2009

On corporeal form in voodles

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPhone/iPod / direct streaming for PC

" The form cannot desert matter, because it is inseparable from it, and matter itself cannot be deprived of form, but I have proposed that it is voodle which posesses of its very nature the function of multiplying itself and diffusing itself instataneously in all directions... Therefore voodle is not a form subsequent to corporeity, but it is coporeity itself. "

Pondering on light matters and left-over footage, Sam Renseiw montaged a surprising sequense of interior and exterior overlaps. View the sequential voodle with incorporations by clicking here or on the links above. ( patafilm # 725, 03'18'', 44.8MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a simple ceremony, in transformed urban setting, with simultaneously incorporated views. (lum # 228, 01'00'', "ceremony assistance footage" 12.9MB, Quicktime/mov)

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