On Ether(nity) and the "ur" of simulation

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod / other versions for PC
Further fathoming the expanses of Dr.Faustroll's Ether, Sam Renseiw recorded an interior stroll, ending with an ur vertigo - inducing staircase gaze. View the panoramic procession, complete with mirror-on-the-wall and fine positive surround-sound by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 579, 03'19'', 17.2MB, Quicktime/mov - other video versions at Blip.tv)
Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a lone figure practising an interior, panoptic gaze (Lum # 96, "drawing, from inside" 00'54'', 4.2Mb, Quicktime/mov) Other's fine Lumieres at the project's main site.
Today's Patalab Metaphor Video re-play supplement features a floating Constellation: a huge interior, seen moored from outside. (patafilm #208, 01'32''[29.06.2006 post] 6.7 MB, Quicktime/mov) Click on the bold links in the text to either view or for more didactic information(s).
Labels: borges, christian bök, constellation, dr.faustroll, jary, julie moser, manB, negativesoundinstitute, panoptic gaze
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