On the assessment of fruity and flowery

click for video: Quicktime / Flash and other versions at blip.tv
Paraphrasing Agnes Varda, Sam Renseiw further pursues to montage short reality bouts into blurred, dreamy voodles, hoping - likewise - to convey a certain desire to see anew. Check in to see if it somehow turns Mulholland drivey or just remains plain, colourful flowery & fruity by clicking here on the links above. (patafilm # 537, 01'33'', 9.3MB, Quicktime/mov - Flash and other streaming version for Pc at Blip.tv)
Today's Bonus Lumiere video features a meta-projection, a passionate illumination in the dark. (Lum # 58 " farrington's passion dryer " 01'00, 6MB, Quicktime/mov) As always: For other's fine lumieres click here, and bold enhanced lettering in the text are informative, contextual links.
Labels: bonus lumierevideo, fruity and flowerly, varda, voodlecriture
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