Monday, November 12, 2007

The detournement of space: Voodle # 03

click for video: Quicktime / Flash and .m4v versions at

"At first I had planned a memoir of only a few moving images, but my subject carried me along in spite of myself, and imperceptibly the memoir became a kind of treatise, too large indeed for what it contained but too small for the matter with which it deals. For a long time I hesitated whether to publish it or not, and I have often felt while working upon it that voodling a few videos does not teach one how to compose a film."

Visiting a Rousseau inspired cottage, Sam Renseiw continues to investigate the relationship of spaces and how they might interact. View the short interior voodle that could also be titled "Emile, Julie or the new Eloise" by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 528, 01'34'', 9.3MB, Quicktime/mov - Flash and MPEG4 versions for Pc at
For exploring "meaning" in the pataphysical texts on all posts, click on the bold enhanced links in the text.

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