Saturday, November 24, 2007

On the morphology of seeing

click for video: Quicktime / other streaming versions at

"Consciousness is in itself an act, the human act. It is a lively, full act. Even if the action which follows, which ought to have followed or should have followed, remains in suspense, the consciousness-as-act is still completely positive or kinetic. In the present voodle we shall study this act only in the realm of movement and more precisely yet in poetic visual language when the imagining consciousness creates and lives the poetic image. Adding to voodle, creating from voodle, stabilizing and loving voodles, are all activities where the consciousness of seeing is increased."

Continuing his investigations on matter and memory in voodles, Sam Renseiw paraphrases Bachelard and extends the voodle-verite to pure, moving matter-of-fact. View the generic line-up with the appearance of some quite particular moves by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 535, 04'33'', 28.4MB, Quicktime/mov - other streaming versions at

Today's Bonus Lumiere video features a classic act of procrastination, illuminated. (Lum # 56 "the procrastinating guitarist" 01'00, 6MB, Quicktime/mov)

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