Thursday, July 05, 2007

On Zen and retelling in larger frames

click for video: Quicktime version / Flash version

" Most of you have learned how to waltz, or are beginning to. You may have discovered that waltzing is a challenge to learn, at first, then it transforms into an easier, pleasurable experience. You may have also discovered dizziness. Although dizziness is the first "altered state" that you experience in waltzing, it is not an especially profound one. But there is another, higher, level that some people discover through whirling. And that is what this video is about. This other, higher state is indeed profound, at many levels, because it can have a beneficial influence that transcends the realm of dancing "

Sam Renseiw discovered that by adding kinesthetic motion to a quiet, contemplative state, one can become even more deeply receptive to direct experience. Like Zen, Voodling is a wordless doctrine. Chuang Tzu wrote that the "Voodle cannot be conveyed by either words or silence, just images” Enter here or click on the links above. (patafilm # 454 - remix of # 74 - 01'32'', 5.3 MB, Quicktime/mov - Streaming Flash version at ---- Special Bonus: circus Lumiere video here, featuring a beautiful line dancer. (Lum # 11, 01'00, 3.1MB, Quicktime/mov) . Also : visit the home of all Lumiere videos.

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