Monday, June 25, 2007

On level pagan dub

click for video: Quicktime version / Flash version

"In Denmark, Midsummer's Eve is a popular day, celebrated with large bonfires. Among Danes, this event is known as Sankt Hans aften, or St. John's Eve, and is celebrated on the eve of June 23 rd. Danes sing on this day the traditional Vi elsker vort land, "We Love Our Land", and burn a witch made of straw on the bonfire as a remembrance of the Church's witchburnings of the 16th and 17th centuries. The Scandinavian customs date back to pagan times when tribute was paid to the powers of the sun god with bonfires signifying the defeat of darkness."

Enjoying a cosily absurd moment of quiet pagan relaxation, Sam Renseiw joined the exclusive crowd at The Vaterpas Research Institute's Villa in Ll. Elmue, to celebrate this year's midsummer. View some streaming hot footage complete with cool Danish dub by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 445, 02'16'', 10.6MB, Quicktime/mov - Streaming Flash version for PC at

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