Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Amid things that signify themselves

click for video: Quicktime version / Flash version

" At this point he faces his first critical moment: sure that from now on the world will reveal to him an infinite wealth of things, Mr. Palomar tries staring at everything that comes within eyeshot; he feels no pleasure, and he stops. A second phase follows, in which he is convinced that only some things are to be looked at, others not, and he must go and seek the right ones. To do this, he has to face each time problems of selection, exclusion, hierarchies of preference; he soons realizes he is spoiling everything, as always when he involves his own ego and all the problems he has with his own ego."

While further brooding about the endless varieties of voodling definitions, Sam Renseiw uploaded a short inconspicuous voodle, featuring urban pavement cleansing and a displaced animal encounter, remembering that : "...a thing is happy to be looked at by other things only when it is convinced that it signifies itself and nothing else, amid things that signify themselves and nothing else..". View the simultaneous event by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 441, 00'43'', 3.3Mb, Quicktime/mov - Streaming Flash version for PC at

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