Thursday, March 22, 2007

On fancy versus constructive imagination

Click for: Quicktime version / Flash version

"There are two kinds of imagination: fancy, which is relatively passive, and constructive imagination, which is relatively active. Constructive imagination is dominated by a systematic unity of plan controlling the process of selective combination. Fancy, on the contrary, forms new combinations, which are relatively detached and sporadic instead of being integral parts of a whole."

Inasmuch as imagination is conditioned by absence of the objective control which belief essentially involves, belief and imagination are mutually exclusive, muses Sam Renseiw while capturing imaginative footage of soma delicate hand-paintings. View the iconolatry by clicking here, on the icon or other appropriate links. (patafilm # 373, 03'06'' 8.7 MB, Quicktime/mov - Flash version at

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