On student caps and customs

In Denmark, the student caps are the last remains of the old school uniform of the University of Copenhagen. They came in two colours: black for the winter uniform and white for the summer uniform. When this school uniform vanished in the late 1800s, the two caps came to denote two different kinds of Studentereksamen: the classical-linguistic exam with the black student's cap and the white for the modern language + mathematical exams. Both with a Bordeaux-coloured band.After receiving one's student cap, it is customary for a class in Copenhagen to drive around the town in a rented lorry, and end up dancing around the equestrian statue in Kgs. Nytorv ( 55° 40' 45,75'' N 12°34' 52,26'' E). Sam Renseiw observed an unidentified fresh class of students after performing the ritual. Enter by clicking here or join the crowd above. (patafilm #204, 01'04'', 4.8 MB, Quicktime/mov -Flash version here
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