By adding little to little...
Well, let's have a valedictory maxim. From Ovid: "Adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit," which means, "By adding little to little there will be a great heap." That is how I feel about my videos, link inclusions in the posted texts and my thoughts. You cannot get much done in one day, or even in two, but once you start to string together videos for several weeks or months, you have the start of a body of work that hopefully puts some mark on the world. Add your little to your little every day. You must work in faith, and it will "add up."In this videopost, Sam Renseiw's # 200 since the start of spacetwo : patalab, a particular situation is examined: standing in the middle of the road. Irritating, yet right on the spot. Note the particular tint of this small piece: all the shades of next year's global colour trend(s) are present; Green will be predominant, as well as orange. Deep red will first re-appear around 2008. Examine by clicking here or by entering the path above. (patafilm #199, 01'00'', 4.4 MB, quicktime/mov -Flash version here)
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