Cine-Club Patalab: " bande a part"

click for video: Quicktime / Flash / Bliptv = direct streaming for Pc
Continuing Patalab's Cine-Club sequel, Sam Renseiw invites you to a short, cinematic voodle-while-working piece, featuring Godard's exquisite, seminal and timeless choreography of Anna Karina in "Bande a part". Click here or on the links above to enter the club. (patafilm # 497, 03'27'' 2o.3MB, Quicktime/mov - Streaming Flash version at
Today's Bonus Lumiere video features yet another, small-sized, badly composed, utterly boring, water video, illuminated by the great Gatstby's green light. (Lum # 36 horizon at bellevue, 00'57'', 5.9MB, Quicktime/mov)
Labels: bonus lumierevideo, choreography, godard, voodling
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