Cine-Club Patalab: " the perfect human "

click for video: Quicktime / Flash / = direct streaming for Pc
Voodling away daily anyhow, Sam Renseiw, prompted by b's kind comments, sets up a momentary Cine-Club for the next four post on patalab. Enjoy a short moment of projection of Jørgen Leth's "The Perfect Human" in another space with triple gaze, by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 495, 01'55'', 12MB, Quicktime/mov - direct streaming at
Today's Bomus Lumiere video features the fine art of cutting corners at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen. (Lum# 36, 01'00, 7MB, Quicktime/mov) Other's Lumieres: go there.
Labels: bonus lumierevideo, leth, the perfect human, voodling
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