Monday, September 27, 2010

On praising Air on Fire & Heinrich

click for video: Quicktime / direct streaming for PC

"I like the feel of voodle noir a lot and it's all about a mood that comes about when people's desires lead them into areas where they're doing something against their conscience and, you know, then suffering the results. So it's about fear, and it's a night-time feeling and that - that thing creeps into my voodles, you know, quite a bit.. Voodle noir has a mood that everyone can feel. It's people in trouble, at night, with a little bit of wind and the right kind of music. It's a beautiful thing... There's so much darkness, and there's so much room to dream. They're mysteries, and there are people in trouble, and uneasiness."

Indeed: paraphrasing Lynch the day after his local opening, Sam Renseiw blended fresh footage from the award show at Heinrich's with glimpses of the air on fire... View various character unfold in voodle noir spaces by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 792, 02'44'', 41Mb, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Bliptv)

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video continues patalab's inquisitive meta-lumiere viewing tradition. (lum#284," lynch-short", 01'00'', 14MB, Quicktime/mov)

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

On over your cities grass will grow

click for video: Quicktime / direct streaming for PC

" A voodling device is less of a machine to produce order than a trap to catch randomness; A trap to transfix those small details that one would find banal, or farcical, or anecdotic, or just plain goofy, but that are, nevertheless, the intrinsic fabric of the voodle on its way to be made. Ultimately, the real enemy is rational intention. To me, voodling is what enables the elimination of all traces of intents. You must understand that I value such concepts as: randomness, serendipity, experimentation. These are things that interest me greatly in what may become, in reverberations, new reflections on the nature of voodles.."

Paraphrasing Labarthe, Sam Renseiw persist with his prolonged obsessive-compulsive voodle experiment, this time with yet another attempt at the repossession of space(s) with recently captured footage. View the discretely cut-up, hastily montaged docu-voodle of documented spaces with distinct songs without words overlay by clicking here or on the links above to realise how randomness and serendipity always seem so intentional after the creative act. (patafilm # 791, 02'14'', 33MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Bliptv)

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a distictive overview, fair to art .(Lum # 285 "art-fair-art " 01'00'', 12MB, Quicktime/mov)

And, regarding other ways of anticipating space: a special bonus-video, [©],a bookish treat, dedicated, from the patalab archive: abstract space(s) out-layed, cut-up, unfolded. (patalabarchive# 1, 02'32'',39MB, Quicktime/mov)

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

On shift from general to specific spaces

click for video: Quicktime / direct streaming for PC

" Instead of viewing a landscape, the voodler(s) preferred to feel it, and with the feeling went a heightened perception of its beauty.Instead of comparing one landscape with another, came the surrender to the power of each, to the moments of individual delight; instead of dividing up the landscape into items, a struggle to express its unity [...] "The transformation of objects in space, or objects in time, /To objects outside either, but tactile, still precise... /It's always the same problem-/Nothing's more abstract, more unreal than what we actually see./The job is to make it otherwise.."

Quoting Wright, Sam Renseiw transformed recent footage from a not-so-far-away (urban)landscape into something more specific, while maintaing a sense of abstraction. View the slow-gliding, down-to-earth tinted and somewhat regressive (de)tour by clicking here or on the links above, remembering that the seemingly specific always remains generic, in more ways that not. (patafilm # 789b, 06'02'', 90MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Bliptv)

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a serene moment of pure quotidian, in a place luckily spared from BIG plans. (lum #283, 01'00'', 12MB, Quicktime/mov)

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

On slow but lasting simultaneities

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod/iPad / direct streaming for PC

" Suddenly a few good images fitted for a sketch or voodle strike me, delicate visual hits of which I have (almost) never before found the equal. I immediately start recording. I lie and edit these bits of captured footage for myself, and find that they are capital. Little by little others come and fit themselves to the preceding ones. I grow keenly wakeful. It was as if a vein had burst in me; one sequence follows another, and they fit themselves together harmoniously with telling effect.[...] a wonderful sense of pleasure empowers me. I voodle as one possessed, and edit yet another post, without a moment's pause."

This time paraphrasing Hamsun, Sam Renseiw edits recently collected northern footage into a triptych docu-voodle (with dualism ending), enabling [a] delicate transition(s) of outer and inner spaces; View the slow conversion with persimmon overlay by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 790, 04'46'', 68MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Bliptv)

Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a moment of colourful spray. (Lum # 283, "tits spray", 01'00'' 12Mb, Quicktime/mov)

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