On the condensation of voodling(s)

click for video: Quicktime/ .m4v for iPhone / flash / direct streaming for PC
Paraphrasing Tocqueville, Sam Renseiw, equally longing for grounding and instability, condensed some (more)of last quarters recordings into a stupendous kaleidoscopic successions of architectural spaces, all the while remembering Valery's dictum of “The folly of mistaking a paradox for a discovery, a metaphor for a proof, a torrent of moving images for a spring of capital truths, and oneself for an oracle, is inborn in us.”; View the unfolding ("We have always sought explanations when it was only representations that we could seek to invent") by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 751, 02'43'', 37MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Bliptv)
Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a recent zen like reflection (Lum #251,"double reflection",01'00'',12.3MB,Quicktime/mov) Brittany&Andreas' seminal Lumiere Manifesto continues to inspire!!
Labels: epistemology, goodiepal, mnemonic voodling, nobuo sekine, patalab, promenade architecturale(s), toqueville, valery, zen