On nature, space and inbetween-voodling

click for video: Quicktime / .m4v for iPod/iPhone / direct streaming for PC
Apparently taking a scrutinising, moving approach (in)to a memorable piece of Nordic architecture, Sam Renseiw stretches the limits of testing body-space morphologies in the apparent maze of the simple corridor. View the elementary observations, complete with boatshelter, book reviews and diary of a parachutist noise-art re-mix by clicking here, or, on the links above.(patafilm # 701, 06'45'', 62Mb, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Blip.tv)
Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features a more static point of view, nevertheless representing an animated moment. (Lum # 212, 00'53''," window dog, tampere ", Quicktime/mov)....For a more psychedelic version, with sound, of the same scene, click here.
Labels: alvar aalto, claudia schulz, diary of a parachutist, experimental house, kelly davis, morphology of body and space, moving voodle, muuratsalo, phenomenology, promenade architecturale
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