On frottage and interior colour spreads

" It was a question of going back to the sources of poetic imagination and, what is more, of remaining there. Not that I pretend to have done so. It requires a great deal of fortitude to try to set up one's abode in these distant regions where everything seems at first to be so awkward and difficult, all the more so if one wants to try to take someone there. Besides, one is never sure of really being there. If one is going to all that trouble, one might as well stop off somewhere else. Be that as it may, the fact is that the way to these regions is clearly marked, and that to attain the true goal is now merely a matter of the travelers' ability to endure.."
Just passing by, actually, while visiting an extensive and overwhelming display of Ernst and then: serendipitously stumbling upon parts of the garden not yet explored, kept Renseiw musing while capturing footage to be shared and analysed. View the aberration(s) by clicking here or on the links above. (patafilm # 688, 52.8MB, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Blip.tv)
Today's Bonus Lumiere Video features an act of reflected projection upon a piece of illuminated artwork. (Lum # 201, " handling the inside of outside " 01'00'' 6,3MB, Quicktime/mov)
Labels: breton, kleihues, kommonen, lousiana, max ernst, morphology of body and space, moving voodle, olafur eliasson, rossi, voodle promenade, walden
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