On minor complications in Voodling practice

click for video: Quicktime / .mp4 for iPhone/iPod / Direct streaming for PC
Trying eagerly to maintain a daily struggle against oblivion, Sam Renseiw edits quotidian footage attempting to integrate vital elements of chance, hapticity and serendipity into each individual crafted voodle. View today's concoction with fine Snatch Tape excerpts and a seal of fraudulence by cliking here or on the links above. (pataflm # 676, 02'57'', 22.9Mb, Quicktime/mov - other versions at Bliptv)
Today's two(!) Bonus Lumiere Videos feature each delicate spring shoots in a Copenhagen Park. (Lum # 190 " spring session" and Lum # 191 " spring session 2" both 01'00'' , 7MB, Quicktime/mov - click on the Lum # for view)
Labels: de certeau, docu-voodle, it-factory, jacob jensen, kirkegaard, kunstindustrimuseet, lone skov madsen, lumiere voodling, philip sanderson, snatch tapes, stein bagger, tage andersen, turi petersen
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